Someone Asked !

With lots of Daffodils around the town and villages, someone asked who planted them.
Well many have been in situ for a long time, but during my chairmanship of Whittlesey StreetPride, we planted in excess of 250,000 bulbs (a lot of bulbs and digging).
The ones along the B1040 Thorney Road are not a SP project.
Most of the other Gateways were planted.

So what do 25,000 bulbs look like…..Here is my wife Connie sitting on top.
Over a number of years we had 10 such pallets.

For the whole project I got local sponsorship from shops/individuals and businesses.

I will state they we had some wonderful help from Kenny Carrington and The Community Payback Team

Another project I was instrumental in getting the funding for was the Ramsey Road Layby.
Now almost 10 years and still well used during the summer months and maintained by the Whittlesey SP Team

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