I am NOT Getting at Dog Owners – I Was Told This Could Not Happen

I like dogs and cats and my two tortoises – one of the most complained about is Dog Poo left by irresponsible owners (Dogs need to Poo).

I asked Fenland Council Officers some time ago, whether matching a dog with its ‘DNA’ would ultimately stop this filthy habit – I was told no – and no one mentioned costs,
Fast forward….

France: Dogs face DNA testing in poo crackdown
Dog excrement found on the pavement will be collected and tested and the details will be sent to police. Those responsible for failing to pick up their pets’ poo will be forced to pay a €120 cleaning fee.
How is it the Frenchies can do it but not us….

Having updated my research (better things to do) I now find several councils and borough’s throughout the country are trialling the system.

Yes I know Fenland has a Dog Order and can fine owners ‘if’ caught.
But this seems a much better and robust way and bet it could finance itself.
or even a better idea…..

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