Vandals & Those Who Know Them Are NOT Taking Any Notice

Yes there has been more Vandalsim carried out on The Manor Field ‘Picnic Benches’.
The previous Picnic Benches suffered the same fate.
These we thought being heavy duty recycled plastic would be more robust – not to the ‘Louts’ who will forever having a go at them.
A discussion and decision was made at a recent Council Meeting, that as the Benches are Vandalised, they will be made safe, but the damaged parts removed and not repaired or replaced.

Over a period of time, there will be NO seating left for the Vandals to destroy and they will have achieved what-ever they set out to do.
I as the Ward Councillor have other priorities than raising another £10,000 to keep replacing damaged/vandalised Picnic Benches.
I understand that Cllr Simon Ward has or is looking into replacing them…..

What is/was a wonderful Whittlesey Town Council/Street Pride project is being ruined by our mindless vandals.

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