Policing Fenland – Neighborhood Police

Our PCSOs have been out in Whittlesey today doing some parking and ASB patrols. 🚔
Whilst doing some parking patrols around Broad Street and Market Street, we had to assist some people with a gas issue and make sure that it was being sorted with minimal disruption to the town. We then spoke to a woman who was selling items around the town centre without any licenses and made sure that she left the area.
It was great to be able to speak to some business owners where parking is an issue and get some feedback from them! Only two parking tickets were issued today. 🚗

Finally, we headed to the Sycamore Road area to follow up on some reports around anti-social behaviour. We went door-to-door to speak to residents and hear their thoughts on what has been going on recently.
These residents participated in our community survey which helps inform our neighbourhood policing priorities. 👮

All the feedback and concerns taken from residents will continue to inform us about what is a priority and help us with targeted patrols. 💙


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