Lock Or You Could Loose It….

A well known businessman here in Whittlesey, left the engine running and keys in the ignition, just to ‘pop’ into his shop, 30 seconds later the very nice Mercedes had gone, only to be found sometime later……what a problem with his Insurance – (left keys in the ignition) Never got the very nice Mercedes back.

Complacent with your security. 

Be sure to check windows and doors are locked and closed at night or when you are out. Lock them when you are at home too, especially when you are in the garden.

Have an approved alarm installed.

Check your vehicle’s windows are not left open and doors are locked.
Padlock your shed and consider anchoring expensive items such as bikes and lawnmowers to the floor.

For more advice visit
Keep burglars out of your property | Cambridgeshire Constabulary (cambs.police.uk)

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