Last U3A Movie Evening Of The Season – Well Done.

Sent out early as both Rhod / Claire and myself & Lyn will be away for most of next week!!

Whittlesey Movie Evenings

At Queen St Church – Sat 8th April


Doors open 6.30 for 7pm start.

“Six Minutes to Midnight” – cert 12A
Stars Judi Dench, Nigel Lindsay, Eddie Izzard

Summer 1939. Influential families in Nazi Germany have sent their daughters to a finishing school in an English seaside town to learn the language and be ambassadors for a future looking National Socialist. A teacher there sees what is coming and is trying to raise the alarm. But the authorities believe he is the problem.

You are all warmly invited to come along to our warm and cosy building for a top-class movie screening plus refreshments served during an interval. No charges made for admission, however we do have operating expenses, not least for heating and lighting and the required video licence, so we request that you pay what you can afford please. This our final screening of our winter season, we hope to return in October. Thank you for your patronage.

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