U3A Film Night

Whittlesey Movie Evenings

At Queen St Church –
Sat 25th March.

Doors open 6.30 for 7pm start.

Screening – “Off The Rails”
Cert 15, comedy

Stars Jenny Seagrove, Sally Phillips, Ben Miller

Now in their 50’s, four friends recreate an inter-rail journey across Europe, but this time 18-year-old Maddie is taking her mother’s place, fulfilling her dying wish.
With lost passports, train strikes and romantic entanglements thrown in their way, they must put old feuds aside to complete the journey within five days and remind themselves that they are still at their peak.

You are all warmly invited to come along to our warm and cosy building for a top-class movie screening plus refreshments served during an interval. No charges made for admission, however we do have operating expenses, not least for heating and lighting and the required video licence, so we request that you pay what you can afford please.
This our penultimate screening of our winter season.

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