Councillor embarressment(s)

It goes without saying too much, that we have several hard working and dedicated Councillors here in Whittlesey, I would ‘hope’ that I’ve been seen as an ‘asset’ as a Town Councillor.
That said we have an individual who can not help himself for the ‘Gaffs’ he keeps making.
I’ve said he could be a potential embarressement – I now say he is….
Having stood at a by-election and won the seat. A year later he didn’t know where the Libary or Buttercross were situated. Forever late at turning up at meetings.
I have a few more incidents which I am saving for later…..

The latest has just been passed to me…

At our meeting someone suggested contacting our councillors about Saxon My old next door neighbour who lives down Stonald Road now retorted” you are having a laugh I asked my councillor what WTC were doing to stop people parking on the double yellows around the roundabout at the co op “  apparently his councillor asked which co op and eventually decided “ oh the co op in Stanground”. Wonder which councillor that was 😂 needless to say everyone thought it was funny except ??? who had raised the issue

I hope that the 30% or so that bother to vote really know something about the candidate that they may let loose on society?

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