U3A Movie Evening

Sat. 12th November at Queen St Church
Doors 6.30pm for 7pm start
Screening “Operation Mincemeat” – cert 12A (true story)
Stars Colin Firth & Matthew Macfadyen
In the context of WW2 narratives, the story of Operation Mincemeat is unique a bizarre and seductive cinematic blend of high-level espionage and ingenious fiction, where the stakes could hardly be higher. Michelle Ashford’s script fuses multiple strands and moods: tense, romantic, thrilling, unexpectedly funny, and endlessly surprising. It tells a richly human story of the soldiers we seldom see, who fight a different kind of war in shadows and deception, haunted by the knowledge that certainty and guarantee of success are nowhere to be found.

No actual admission charges made but a suggested donation of £5pp to cover operating expenses is welcomed please. Refreshments and time for chat during interval.

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