Monthly Archives: October 2022

2.3 Million Living With Long COVID – ONS

Welcome to Monday’s coronavirus (COVID-19) latest insights, a roundup of our analysis related to the pandemic. An estimated 2.3 million people in private households in the UK (3.5% of the population) were experiencing self-reported long COVID as of 3 September … Continue reading

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KD X Update

A message from the King’s Dyke project team: The two-way traffic lights have been set up along the old A605 and Funtham’s Lane to complete the construction of this final section of carriageway, which involves the installation of kerbs, drainage, … Continue reading

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Vison Zero – Project Edward 20/20/2022

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Weight Limit Sign – No More

Many complain of HGV’s using the North Bank Road where there is a weight limit. This is one of the signs – it has been reported….

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Latest From The Courts 10/10/22

Please find below summaries of the latest news from our courts over the last week – click on each headline to read the full story. Cambridge Prison for man dealing drugs from his bottom Peterborough Man jailed following taxi driver attack … Continue reading

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PPG Meeting With NQS Management

This afternoon there is a meeting between The Patients Participation Group (PPG) and Management of the New Queen Street Surgery (NQS). Last month the Chair wrote to NQS with a list of questions and concerns that have been raised over … Continue reading

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FDC Overview & Scrutiny Panel Agenda – 10th October

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Another Opportunity To Have YOUR Say – 14th October Here In Whittlesey

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The Combined Authority Is Hitting The Road

Want to bend the Combined Authorities Ear on a By-Pass (Relief Road) I sincerely hope those who are protesting and lobying at the moment can go along and make some noise at the Queensgate event. Unfortunately I will be unable … Continue reading

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Pathway Church This Week

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County Lines – Watch Out

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Heritage Walk Almost Complete…..

Many have ‘toured’ the ‘new’ Whittlesey Heritage Walk, a few minor hic-ups – some boards in the wrong location have been addressed. An offical launch is imminent. Visitors have already made very positive comments. Read more …. Click Here

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