Update …..Cllr Jason Mockett – Has NOT Officially Resigned The Conservative Group

It my understanding that the correct process of Cllr Jason Mocketts resignation to all of Whittlesey Town Councillors has not been followed as per rules.
What those rules are I am not fully aware at this time.
So….Jason stays as is until decides what to do….

Cllr Jason Mockett elected for the Lattersey Ward of Whittlesey, has resigned as a Conservative Councillor for both Whittlesey Town Council and Fenland District Council.
In his resignation e-mail he quotes :-

I have made the decision to no longer represent the Conservative Party for both town and district council. To prevent costs to the town in an event a bye election may need to be called if I quit entirely,  I will stay on as an Independent Councillor until the next elections.

Jason lists many reasons for his decision to move away from the Conservative Group.

He is the 2nd Councillor WTC that has resigned from the Town Council – the other being
Cllr Gary Munns, who left ealier this year.

Photo ©WTC/RWT Photography…..

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