Another Fantastic Milestone Reached 2.5 MILLION Hits

I decided in 2011 when first elected as an Independent Councillor, that my means of communicating and keeping ‘my’ electorate informed would by a Website.
Like every thing it takes a while for the platform to get known and established.
Some 11 years later, the average number of individuals having a look is around 1,200 – 1,400 a day.
As I stated in 2011 – You will only get ‘facts’ and not fiction here and I wish the same could be said for Social Media.

I am always contactable and will always listen to issues and concerns.
Hoping another year or two before I ‘retire’ – and let (ha) someone else keep you all up to date and informed.

You may ‘if’ you’re lucky get a once or twice newsletter from other Councillors, on the otherhand you may not get anything at all until election time?

5,859 Posting on this Web-blog – 2,500,000+ Hits

January 2014 I was there…..History in the making….well maybe,
and we are still waiting for ‘a’ Supermarket to be built?
Like the KD Bridge …slowly, slowly – it will come eventually – just be patient?

I have now attended 8 yes that is 8 planning meetings regarding the ‘Supermarket’ coming to Whittlesey…. 4 for Whittlesey Town Council (as consultees) and 2 at March and 2 at Whittlesey.
Yesterdays meeting started at 14:30 and concluded after legal advice at 22:45.
It was a very good turn out and in general the meeting was well handled and behaved.
I still think that the Independent Councillor Mark Archer was the most robust in his questioning of all concerned. To be fair it was Marks first time ‘listening’ to this debate.
Simon King another newcomer to the debate was also one of the better questioners.

So after listening to various comments this morning, everyone is ‘Happy’ –  BUT the decision is still open to appeal and legal challenge. It needs to go to the Secretary of State for ratification.

I hope that Harrier/Tesco now see sense…. and come to some agreement to give up their
plans for Station Road…… there is of course one way to make it work…..
Sort the Railway crossing out and who know!!!!

I and the majority of Whittlesey residents look forward to the long term, a new supermarket, a business park and a country park for future generations.

Keep Dreaming…..

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