Update – Peters B Protest Is Going Ahead Will It Change Anything

My apologies the Action Day is tomorrow – Wednesday.

Long standing ex businessman and resident Peter Baxter is fed up with issues concerning the traffic and HGV’s along the A605 transiting Whittlesey.
I have promoted and supported Peter on his campaign for many years and he has decided that enough is enough – His belief that Councillors and Authorities are doing little or nothing to address the concerns of not only himself but a great number of residents.

Peter is well aware from my many hours of conversations with him of how the ‘system’ works and as local Town Councillors (myself included) our ability is the same as his –
Lobbying upwards to our Senior County Councillors and MP.

So tomorrow (Tuesday) Peter is I understand planning with some other residents from the juction of Halcroft Road to Snoots Road to have them park their cars (legally) at strategic points along the road. What effect this may have I don’t know.

He again I understand will be getting much wider publicity on this campaign.
I will have a look myself tomorrow morning…



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