Last Nights WTC Planning Meeting

A short presentation by Mr Peter Goring from The Mace Group to  members of the Planning Committee and 6 members of the public.
Mace is a multi-national established company who are expanding their business and plan to bring nearly a 100 jobs to the Ex  – ‘Victory Pit’ on Peterborough Road.

Mr Goring highlighted that Mace was compliant with ‘Carbon Neutral’.
Mr Stephen Hodson spoke during the public forum, he highlights several concerns including noise and environmetal concerns of the A605.
Mr Goring in his presentation stated that there would be some 182 vehicles a day in/out and 56 HGV’s in/out and that their HGV’s all run on Bio-Diesel.
Cllr Roy Gerstner, welcomed Good Neighbourbours and Businesses to Whittlesey and said this was not always the case with other historic operators within the area.
Concerns of access in/out of the plant from the A605.

Mr Goring stated ALL HGV’s would be coming and leaving the site from the Peterborough/West and NO HGV’s would be coming through Whittlesey.

WTC’s Planning Committee (acting as consultee’s only) voted to approve the Mace application. 3 Councillors (including myself) abstained from voting.

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