News From Nigel – Fraud and Cyber Security Advisor

British Telecom are offering free online training which will help us all become more alert to scams, and it only takes 10 minutes to complete.

Maybe you can help by encouraging others to complete the training, like children or relatives.
If you’re involved in a community group or charity that supports local people, simply share the link to this 10-min training,  you’ll be helping them learn the basics behind scams and build confidence as they run through some practical activities to spot scams in action.  

If you work for a Local Authority, please consider sharing the link on social media
For more information and to complete the training please visit:

Staying safe online – Home Life – Skills for Tomorrow | BT

Mr Nigel Sutton 8517
Fraud and Cyber Security Advisor.
Serious & Organised Crime (Intelligence and Specialist Crime Department)

Cambridgeshire Constabulary

Hinchingbrooke Park,
Huntingdon, PE29 6NP

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