Surprised Being Top of Some Leagues and At The Bottom of Others

From a correspondent :- With the news being somewhat swamped with Climate News, it is somewhat surprising that in their latest report CPCA (Cambridges & Peterborough Combined Authority) earlier this year. I have attached a copy.
Pages 1 – 31 provide an executive summary then the rest of the report unwinds.

Mayor Nik Johnson supports this report, but he also needs to get the other members to support it.
You may be aware that the two abstentions in March received ‘some flack’ from residents who felt their views were not being represented.
The lone vote against was Cllr Boden.

Lots of reading, however the first 30 pages takes a short time (summary).

Amazing how Whittlesey/Peterborough/Cambs, usually comes out at the bottom end of most surveys, not this case we’re 25% better at emitting/polluting CO2 than anywhere else in the country…. Roy G…



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