Your Chance To Have YOUR Say In Neighbourhood Plan

What is the Whittlesey Neighbourhood Plan?

Over the last few years Whittlesey Parish has been working on a Neighbourhood Plan – a local planning document for the future of the area that the whole community can get involved with.

What has been done so far?

We did lots of research about the Parish, including a residents survey and we ran a number of workshops and consultation events where residents helped to develop a vision for Whittlesey Parish and the future, decided what topics we needed to develop policies for and came up with ideas about what those policies should do.

What is this consultation about?

All of that work helped us to write this draft version of the Neighbourhood Plan. Now this is an opportunity for everyone to read and comment on the policies before we create a final version that will be taken to a local referendum to be voted on. This is one of the final stages of the process so is a good opportunity to share your views.

What information is being consulted on and where can I find it?

The main document is the Draft Neighbourhood Plan which contains all the draft policies.

We made our Baseline Report available which gives you an overview of the Parish and the research that has informed the policies.

We have also made our Local Greenspace Assessment available – this provides more information on Policy 5 “Local Green Space” There is an opportunity to comment on this document specifically at the end of this survey if you wish to.

All the documents can be viewed on the Town Council website

Can’t get online or visit in person?

If you or anyone you know can’t get online and aren’t able to visit in person please contact:

Sue Piergianni, Clerk to Whittlesey Town Council Address: Whittlesey Town Council Offices, Peel House, 8 Queen Street, Whittlesey, PE7 1AY, Phone: 01733 351296 to arrange for a copy to be posted to you.

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