Monthly Archives: May 2021

Another Fab Event By Defibs – Well Done – Ben Nevis

My thanks to the other 55 generous folk who donated to Debibs For All – here in Whittlesey + Villages.

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Ramsey Road Closure – Ah Well..

This afternoon I went for a ride on my ‘truck’ to see how the road works are progressing. Whilst I sat there 3 cars came, opened up the barriers, closed the barriers and went on their way…long detour not required … Continue reading

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Peace & Quiet Sunday – Nice Tree!

This ‘self seeded apple tree’ normally produces many fruits, which generally are just left to rot….this year considering the poor weather it has produced the most – blossom I’ve ever seen, if these do get pollinated – then there could … Continue reading

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Saxon Pit Q&A Latest

Some of the below has been covered previously, however there are answers to some questions that The Environment Agency has now clarified.

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RBL Centenary #2 I was very pleased to see that The Merchant Navy was included in todays event at The Cenotaph.  

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100 Years of The Royal British Legion – Today 09:00

There will be a celebration by our local RGL group this morning to mark the centenary. National groups throughout the country. Find out more :  

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News From The ONS…..

Today, we published the latest data on topics ranging from antibody positivity and vaccination rates to mortality rates by religion, as well as online job adverts and recorded crime during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.   The main points on infections and … Continue reading

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KD X Closure Sat Night – Sun Morning …Diversion

This morning I have confirmed with Network Rail, The Kings Dyke Railway Crossing (A605) will close from 22:40 this Saturday 15th —– To —– 09:15 Sunday 16th. During this time, there are limited options to get in/out of Whittlesey, as … Continue reading

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Latest Local Covid Stats

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Vandalism @ Play Area’s In/Around Whittlesey

There has been a spate of vandalism at several play area’s in/around the Whittlesey area. Today I had a meeting with the Managers of Parks and Open Spaces. As some maybe aware, Whittlesey Town Council and Whittlesey Street Pride are … Continue reading

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FDC Full Council Meeting Agenda – Wed 19th May

The paperwork accompanying with minutes of the previous meeting can be found on FDC’s Website or follow This Link

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Scams Galore…British Gas

Our Whittlesey resident was ‘offered’ a fantastic return of £2453 !!!! All links (several) have been removed. BRITISH GAS WANTS TO INFORM YOU THAT YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR AN OVER-PAYMENT REFUND OF £2453 Our records indicate that you have paid … Continue reading

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