At Last Nights WTC Planning Meeting….

Disclaimer : Please be aware, that Whittlesey Town Council are consultee’s only on planning matters,
the decision makers at Fenland District Council (Delegated Officers) or The FDC Planning Committee. Recommendations made at WTC are not always the same decisions made at FDC.

A presentation made by Mr Mark Mann on F/YR20/0861 – 130 Dwellings Bassenhally Farm. A Seperate entrance is being build for the Football Field.

RG comment, I questioned Mr Mann in respect of differing access to/from the estate and that unlimited traffic would now be able to come out onto Drybread Road.

Later when the item was debated I strongly made the point that previously we had been shown a plan – whereby the estate would be split and that the final phase 4 would have access onto Drybread Road, the rest of the estate would access the A605.
A robust debate took place and a vote to object to the present application on the road layout within the estate.

Better news was that the applicant has agreed(as in 2011) that a cycle route be build from the Drybread Road entrance along to the School.

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