Todays Attendance Meetings..

I attended as the Ward Councillor, this morning on a ZOOM meeting considering LHI’s…
Local Highways Improvements, these are recommended by residents/public concerned with their immediate roads/paths/infrascructure.
There is a maximum of £15,000 available from Cambs CC and a 10% contributions from WTC.
One issue was/is speeding on various roads, the LHI for Ramsey Road/Church Street becoming a 20mph zone, however this is not fully supported by Highways @ Cambs CC or the Police, irrespective that some data states that there is an issue.
The latest installed MVAS (Motor Vehicle Activated Signs) on Ramsey Road, data shows several vehilcles in excess of 50mph (30mph limit) the fasted by 58mph.
WTC Councillors and Cambs CC Boden will still take this forward.

This afternoon’s FDC Cabinet meeting discussed the forward financial plan for 21/22, and
at present there are no plans to increase ‘Council Tax’.
However FDC having to support ‘Freedom Leisure’ during ‘lock-down’ to the tune of over £500,000 and provision for the coming year could be £310,000 in order to keep the 4 leisure centres being able to operate. It is hoped that once restrictions allow in April, the leisure centres re-open, the amount of financial support be reduced.


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