Please Wait Until It Is Safe – B1040 Thorney Road

From Cllr D Laws :-

Just been advised by Cambridgeshire County Council Highways of a serious bank slippage adjacent to the B1040, between south of the Dog-in-a-Doublet bridge and East Delph.

The slippage stretches for approximately 45 metres and at least one metre in depth. The slippage is on the east side of the highway bank and between the already closed Whittlesey Wash Road flood gates. This section of the B1040 has a road closure notice as flood warning is in force, therefore prohibitive to all vehicles.

Discussions now taking place at CCC how to repair, how long to repair and when the road eventually opens a safety works traffic light system for single lane traffic.
E.A. called yesterday for several reasons but in conversation mentioned their ‘emergency incident’ line was being bombarded by drivers asking & demanding Whittlesey Wash Road be re-opened to traffic.

It does make me wonder at times what people consider is an ‘emergency’ as alternative contact numbers are published for the E.A.
It will several days before the road closure order is lifted from the B1040 – lots more water moving its way down the system and to be accommodated in and around Whittlesey Washes.
Kind regards,

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