Todays Scam Alert

Bank Phishing Text Scam

A screenshot of the below scam text message they received which is designed to trick the recipient into providing their personal information.
The message purports to be from Lloyds Bank and claims that a new recipient has been added to the payees on the account and provides a link to click if you had not added the new payee.
The message in this example came from 07487 559281 and purported to be from Lloyds Bank in relation to a new payee Mrs Claire Lowell. But remember scams like this could come from other numbers, use a different new payee name or claim to be from other banks or companies such as Apple, PayPal, eBay and Amazon. Fraudsters will use many different guises to try to dupe as many people as possible.

Please remember never to click on links in unexpected texts or e-mails as these are likely to be ‘phishing’ for your information or ready to install malware on your device.

Forward scam texts to 7726.

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