Kings Dyke Crossing News Update from CCC

Friday 07:29      King’s Dyke crossing scheme

A message from the chairman of the highways and transport committee,
Councillor Ian Bates said:

Our contractor Jones Bros continue to progress well despite the poor weather the team has experienced over the past couple of weeks.

You can see from the overhead picture the earthworks near the western roundabout is taking shape and preparation work is underway for the start of the construction of the railway bridge. If you check out the middle picture – this is the location of the bridge abutment on the north side of the railway, this is part of the foundations for the bridge. What is a ‘bridge abutment’ you may ask – they are the supporting element of the structure, it’s where the bridge beams at each end of the bridge sit on.

Finally, the main compound (the green cabins), which Steve mentioned in his update, is up and running. These will provide Jones Bros office space and welfare facilities as the workforce increases – they have been carefully designed to maintain social distancing.
Keep safe everyone and remember the three simple actions we must all do to keep on protecting each other – wash hands, cover face and make space.

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