Very Important Information Re A&E – PCH

Please see below very important update on Accident & Emergency Services at Peterborough City Hospital……

We are writing to update you on a new pilot triage system at Peterborough City Hospital that has now launched to help make sure patients get the right care in the right place. 

From 9am to 10pm, anybody who now attends Peterborough City Hospital Emergency Department (ED) without a referral from a medical professional, who hasn’t been brought in by an ambulance, or hasn’t called NHS 111 in advance will be reviewed by a health practitioner.
They will assess the patient’s symptoms and decide whether ED is the most appropriate place for their presenting complaint. If the patient does not require care from the ED, then the healthcare professional will redirect the patient to call NHS 111, or to visit the most appropriate healthcare service such as booking an appointment with their GP or visiting a local pharmacy. 

We are trialling this new approach, following success with a similar pilot at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, to help better manage patient flows in ED and ensure those who need to attend are kept as safe as possible in line with current Covid-19 social distancing guidance. The initial pilot will run for eight weeks and will remain under constant review. 

This pilot also supports the new national NHS 111 First initiative that encourages people to contact NHS 111 before going to an Emergency Department in order to ensure you get the right help at the right time.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Kind regards,
Vazeer Ahmed 
STP Lead for Urgent and Emergency Care for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Athar Yasin 
Clinical Lead Emergency Medicine, North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust 
Communications and Engagement Team
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group
Lockton House, Clarendon Road, Cambridge CB2 8FH 

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