Consideration May Help

With the wearing of ‘Face Coverings’ in Shops about to come into force, yesterday whilst at ‘Morrisons’™ (Cardia) I only went to the entrance (wearing a face covering) to ask the Security Guard what ‘plans and proceedures’ they had in place – Blank – Blank – None was the answer – he had No face covering and has been given No advice as to what to do…..

Unfortunately this is the very inconsistency that ‘some’ of us are living with.
Those of us that abide by advice, laws and rules that is for the benefit of us all.
Of course the Governments Dilly Dally on Face Coverings does not help.

Enforcement which no one realy wants to see – is down to the Police – who I dare say have more important issues to deal with…..

So why not be considerate to others and wear a Face Covering in Shops & Supermarkets – you never know – you may be helping not only yourself but others too.

Face coverings to be mandatory in shops and supermarkets from 24 July. Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock spoke about plans to make face coverings mandatory in shops and supermarkets from 24 July 2020.

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