Fantastic community support, I am proud and priveldged to have been Chairman of Whittlesey & District Neighbourhood Watch for 9 years.
We registered with The Fenland Hub on the first day and I am pleased to say that we (I and Connie) have fulfilled 10 requests for prescriptions and medicines during this week.
We have done some urgent shopping and picked up post and parcels.
Next week we shall take a break and 2 more NHW coordinators will take the task on.
We hope we are being sensible in exposing ourselves.
We are not alone – Deborah Slator (De-Fibs) and her group are doing even more calls.
There are the many individuals who are doing their part – and I am sure I can speak for everyone – a BIG, BIG thank you.
- Whittlesey, GB4°Feels like: 2°CFog8:09 am3:54 pm GMT
Wind: 10km/h SSW
Humidity: 97%
Pressure: 1033.86mbar
UV index: 0SatSunMon6°C / 5°C
9°C / 6°C
9°C / 8°C