Monthly Archives: February 2020

Police & Crime Commissioners Youth & Community Fund

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Youth and Community Fund aims to support youth and community groups to deliver activities to; Support preventative work and early intervention approaches to divert young people and vulnerable adults away from offending and re-offending; Build … Continue reading

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Not In Last Place – Not Even Mentioned –

To say I have been inundated with complaints about FDC/CA (Fenland District Council/Combined Authority) latest press release is an understatement. Those who came to me – are asking the wrong person – sorry I am doing my best but it … Continue reading

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Date For Your Diary… If You Have Issues or Concerns

The next police engagement meeting is on Tues 18 Feb 20 10.00-12.00hrs at Whittlesey Library. The engagement meeting is a useful opportunity to talk to our PCSO and the Safer Neighbourhood Teams.

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The End – Maybe Of Supermarket Travesty

The ruling of Whitacre vs Sainsbury’s is now in the public domain. As many know I have reported nearly every meeting which was open to the public and Council Meetings since this – I always use the term ‘Travesty’ came … Continue reading

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Any ‘Real’ Clever 11 to 17 Year Old Wizzers In Whittlesey

Most of you will know that I am the fraud and cyber security advisor for Cambridgeshire Police, however, I also have another role in support of a national programme led by the National Crime Agency called ‘Cyber Choices’. ( Cyber … Continue reading

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Railway line recognised for operating at high standards

The Hereward Community Rail Partnership (CRP), which aims to connect communities with the Hereward stations at Manea, March and Whittlesea and champion local railway improvements, has become one of the latest CRPs to receive the new quality benchmark. Managed by … Continue reading

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Fly-Tipper(s) – Just Love This Spot

Seems to be quite regular now – some sort of DIYer or Job Builder to dump their waste along this stretch of road- although on this occasion it was a ‘tidy job’ all the rubbish in the bath….

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Boris has the answers to The K D Xing….

I was sent the following from ‘The Mail on Sunday’© maybe ‘we’ should ask for direct intervention – it may get done quicker…..The Chinese can build a 1,000 patient hospital in 10 days….. Now that Brexit has been delivered, Boris … Continue reading

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Message from Whittlesea Station Adopter….

Received from Cllr Eamonn Dorling… I received the following from our long standing station adopter who works tirelessly promoting our station, we could assist his efforts by responding to his request: Did you see the link that I put on … Continue reading

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88K Lost To Courier Fraud In Cambs in January

This is not the ‘real’ figure as not everyone who has been a victim reports the incident. (RG) You may recall earlier this month we warned of ‘courier fraud’ scams where fraudsters pose as a police officer or bank official to … Continue reading

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