Conservative Party to choose Candidate for PCC

The final  meeting for the selection of the Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner candidate for Cambridgeshire is this –
Friday (28th February 2020) at: 
Sir Harry Smith Community College.

The meeting will start at 7pm, registration will be from 6.30pm.

There is no need to preregister, so even if you find yourself unexpectedly able to join us you will be very welcome.

If you have been a member of the Conservative Party for 3 months you are elegible to vote!

This meeting is NOT open to the public and I have confirmed this…
However see a related article:-
At the last elections 2016 less than 20% of the electorate bothered to vote….

The Conservatives should be more transparent about candidate selections

Chris Howell, a Conservative activist in Cambridge, says:
“The party’s current system of selecting candidates for important and high profile elected positions is unfit for purpose.

“I don’t understand why the party thinks it is sensible to try keeping candidates names secret prior to a selection meeting – we saw in the last parliament how important is is for members to know what candidates really stand for, which requires more scrutiny than is possible in one carefully curated selection meeting.
“In the age of social media, candidates names may leak out, and their entire backgrounds will be carefully scrutinised – surely it would be better for this to happen in a controlled way before the selection.

“Members should know how candidates portray themselves in public, how they communicate their messages publicly and how they respond to criticism.”

To read the complete article :

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