Heard Of Cyber ‘Flashing’ !!!!

I had not heard of the term ‘cyber-flashing’ until I read about it on the Sky News website.

In summary, it relates to Apple iPhone users receiving obscene images from strangers because they have AirDrop switched on and set to ‘everyone’. AirDrop has a short frequency range and is therefore likely to happen in public areas such as; train carriages, London Underground, buses, public waiting areas. It does not need a Wi-Fi or data connection. AirDrop uses Bluetooth to transmit data between devices in close proximity.

Consider switching off AirDrop until you need it. One, it may just prevent receiving an offensive image, but it may also help extend the charge of the phone battery.


Mr Nigel Sutton 8517
Fraud and Cyber Security Advisor
Cambridgeshire Constabulary Headquarters

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