Monthly Archives: September 2019

FDC Sell Off..

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Mud Walls of Whittlesey Meeting…

Good attendance this morning with 8 members and FDC’s Conservation Officer Katie McAndrew. The Group is gearing up for their display and inter-action at this Sundays Whittlesey Festival.

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Broad Street Dental Practice.

Many will have been made aware that Mr Gavin Stokes is going into semi-retirement, he will be working 1 day a week. There will be 2 new dentists Mr & Mrs Tsering at the practice – they are already in … Continue reading

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Boots Pharmacy – Good Communication

Late today I received a call from Mr Alistair Hunt – Regional Manager @ Boots Pharmacy™ – He spent around 20 minutes with me, explaining primarily that these costs being introduced were largely (you guessed it) due to government cutbacks … Continue reading

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Forcasting UK Air Pollution How good or how accurate..I don’t know, how much faith you may have…but worth a look. You can read all the criteria and the 300 or so monitoring site on the above link… Thanks to LD for her reseach….

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Thanks to Whittlesey – Royal British Legion

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Today is Merchany Navy Day

Having spent 28 years in the Merchant Navy – I and many of my ship mates were involved in supporting our military and country. Today those are remembered and I am very grateful to  Whittlesey Branch of The Royal British … Continue reading

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New Queen Street Surgery – Flu Clinics

Some confusion and late notice to some. The NQS will be holding annual flu clinics. The NQS Website is out of date (again) and does not give notification on Flu-Clinics 1/ Saturday 07th September 08:30 – 11:00 (Over 65’s) 2/ … Continue reading

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NQS PPG Meeting

A very well attended Patients Participation Group meeting (open to all at NQS), brought up to date on various subjects, concerns and somewhat lack of engagement since The Lakeside Group have taken over the New Queen Street Surgery (or amalgamated). … Continue reading

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Further Update on Boots Charging for Home Deliveries.

I have today met with the owner of Whittlesey Pharmacy (Market Street) who informs me that Patients DO NOT have to go to their surgery in order to change pharmacy. If you/your neighbours/friends or relations do not want to pay … Continue reading

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Another Wondeful Community Event

The Fens Magazine™ in association with Whittlesey Business Forum 3rd Charity Fun Walk took place this morning… 100+ people along with children and dogs did the 5 mile walk, similar but in an opposite direction to previous years. Myself along … Continue reading

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