Update – Changing Views of Whittlesey

1/ Update on the old Morley’s Petrol Pump site, as previously posted – the fuel tanks are no more, and now all the contaminated earth has been taken away. Becoming a Lincolnshire Co-op.

2/ The ‘Old’ Trustee Saving Bank (became Lloyds TSB) has had over 12 months of reovations but is nearly complete to become ‘Kitchen Transformation.

3/ New Hairdresser and Nail Bar etc… on Broad Street to be called ‘Wardley’s (jobs available)

4/ Whittlesey’s Old Police Station (article on the history can be found on this web-blog)
written Nov 2016History of Whittlesey Police Station – RG

5/ The Ex Brickies (Bricklayers Arms PH) is to become 14 one bedroom and 19 two bedroom apartments (GKL Developments™)

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