The turn-out for todays meeting of The E&E at Whittlesey Christian Church was somewhat disappointing – only 8 members of the public, (more members of the press than public) and only a few Whittlesey Councillors, Myself, Cllr Bob Wicks, Cllr Alex Miscandlon and Cllr Julie Windle. I accept that these meeting were arranged at fairly short notice and some had holiday commitments (I changed mine), 4 out of 14 is somewhat dire for such an important event. Unfortunately Cllr Alan Bristow, who attended Monday’s exhibition could not attend today as he is unwell – and I’m sure we wish him a speedy recovery.
Below the executive report given by Cambs CC officer Andy Preston. This video is around 12 minutes long, it will outline (some) of the history in the build up to todays debate and decision (later). The video to those who may rely on hear-say (social media) can hear the real factual information – it is worth the time to watch.