Another Milestone Achieved – Roy Gerstner

So – I may not be a young (not so young) YouTube Star – but I have now posted in excess of 2,000+ articles on this Web-Blog over the past few years.
Factual articles about our Council, Councillors, Reports on Meetings both here in Whittlesey and locally. As I’ve said on many occasions – It is The only place where you will find this information more or less the same day or next day.

I publish Community Events, Updates on staying on the Internet safely, Spam Awareness are just a few topics to mention.
Besides now 2,000+ postings, today saw the 950,000 Hits clocked up….
This is a testament to my passion for keeping not only St Marys Ward South informed but the whole local area.
I will post for any other community group if they ask me….

Want to contact me – my details are on the top toolbar….

Someone was asking ‘if’ there was a prize for the person who – Hits – The 1,000,000 on this Web-Blog – Yes is the answer – but proof of getting a photo or screen-shot of the event is mandatory. The prize – let me think about it…..!

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