The Policing Chiefs say Peterborough is a ‘safe place to live’ Cambridgeshire remains a safe place to live – despite a rise in robberies and stalking offences in the county.
We in Whittlesey have not seen the expected rise in crime since our Police Station closed, many expected it to do so, but recorded crime says otherwise.
I always make sure when meeting with any of our Police or PCC (Police & Crime Commissioner) that statistics do not always reflect the true story – we may be a low/medium crime area – but that does not make us crime free.
Our Police Tax/Precept as you may have already read will be rising again – as most taxes
The PCC Jason Ablewhite has ‘promised an extra 50 uniformed warranted officers, lets hope so. He did deliver ‘most’ of the promised increase in officers last year.
Our Fenland Rural Team headed by Sgt Lugg has also seen his resources increase.
The old fashioned way of policing has long since disappeared – crime has changed and the way criminals operate has changed.
We at Neighbourhood Watch receive a monthly report from Sgt Lugg on what his team have been doing in the reported month and the hotspots of crime.