A big thank you to our partners and our patients who have helped us to reduce how much we spend on over the counter medicines. Over the last year we have saved nearly £1.2 million by asking patients to buy medication over the counter, instead of getting it on prescription. As well as saving on prescription costs it has also helped free up GP time and reduce the number of prescriptions issued. Some items like paracetamol can cost as little as 25p, and yet we spend millions every year. Thank you for all your hard work and please help us to continue!
The winter months are a key period for the NHS as we see more people becoming ill and our local NHS services having to work harder to keep people well. In this newsletter there is advice about staying healthy, seeking help early, ordering repeat prescriptions in advance and getting the flu vaccine – these are all things we can do to help ourselves to stay well.
Best wishes
Jan Thomas
Accountable Officer
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group
Lockton House, Claredon Road, Cambridge CB2 8PH
t :01223 725317
w :www.cambridgeshireandpeterboroughccg.nhs.uk
e: [email protected]