As my loyal avid readers know I do not do rumour! – however I make an exception.
There appears to be an accusation that ‘I’ may be part and party of – that Town Councillor Martin Curtis has decided not to stand (at this moment in time) as a candidate in next May’s elections. I categorically state that this is not the case – I am not party to MC’s decision – I have had no communication with Cllr Curtis.
Cllr Curtis gave his reasons not to stand in his e-mail to the NECCA group.
It may have even be taken that ‘I’ was the source of several e-mails that was sent to the editor of the Cambs Times™ John Elworthy – Not the case – I have had NO contact with Mr Elworthy or the Cambs Times™ for several years.
So the ‘sources’ maybe within their own group, and again my information is that once again the senior conservative councillors are pointing the finger at the wrong person(s).
When ever I meet with councillors, here or elsewhere I always state that if I ask questions that are of a sensitive or confidential nature then by all means tell me ‘its none of my business’
I accept and respect this dialogue arrangement.
Public know my passion is for Whittlesey – Its Villages – Fair Play – and A Vision for the future’
So there you have it – NOT Guilty – and neither are the prime suspect(s)