Whittlesey NHW comes under the umbrella of Fenland Policing, under the (new) Policing areas, Fenland is part of the Northern area (Peterborough).
Whittlesey NHW are a stand-alone, separate group, but as Peterborough are our ‘Neighbours’ – and what goes on there has a direct impact on us in Whittlesey.
Unfortunately some of guest speakers could not attend.
Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner Cllr Ray Bisby (Who I met a couple of weeks ago), gave the audience of around 50 an update and future plans the PCC hopes to put in place.
The main thrust being more ‘Police’ availability and assets joined with other ‘Blue Light’ services. As I hope everyone is now aware, the office of the PCC does not and cannot dictate operational side of policing.
Ray emphasised that ‘moral’ within the Cambs Policing was very good.
Supt Martin Brunning gave a very good talk on ‘Public Protection’ one example being how ‘exploitation’ on young people – carrying and delivering drugs by train – coming to Peterborough to deliver and sell their goods.
He stated that under the ‘new’ policing model – more police were available for front line duties and quotes that 6 weeks ago – Peterborough would have had 24 uniformed officers on shift, today 32 were on shift.
On his remit, priorities – were Domestic abuse, Child abuse and exploitation and Criminal exploitation (Drug Mules as an example)
He stated that of the 30th April – There was a ‘New Dawn’ for Cambs Policing and asked the group to review results in 6 months time.
Peterborough NHW had 27 new schemes running during 2017-18
Excellent demonstration by Cardea First Responders
If you would like to be a ‘Better Neighbour’ why not join the largest voluntary organisation in England – Neighbourhood Watch – help to keep you, your neighbours and street safer.
Visit Whittlesey NHW Website @ https://www.whittleseynhw.org.uk/
A vast amount of information (local) – with regular updates.
If you would like further details or information:
Contact : Robin Sutton e-mail – Click Here