Report on WTC Meeting Wednesday 09th May 2018 (Updated)

Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website.
I have corrected (2) items regarding Cllrs who attended below in Red.


Agenda to this meeting was published on this site – 09th May
12 Councillors in attendance Cllr Whitwell was in attendance – Cllr Curtis arrived late – absent, Wicks + Garratt (No apology)
11 members of the public in attendance.

Outgoing Mayor Cllr Ralph Butcher presented a cheque to The British Heart Foundation.
This meeting incorporates the AGM of the Parish of Whittlesey, which is conducted before the main meeting.
As in the past not a great deal was discussed – there is a public forum but no one spoke at this time.

At the main meeting:





1/ Cllr Julie Windle was elected as Mayor of Whittlesey for the coming year, her husband Robert will be her consort.
2/ Cllr David Mason was elected as Deputy Mayor for the coming year.
3/ Police matters, (no police in attendance) – a good discussion took place about ‘Parking Issues/Concerns especially that ‘illegal parking’ – feedback from the Neighbourhood Sergeant was not very positive, that said, it is understood that Police resources are limited.
(I have covered this and will do so again) – various options were considered including writing to the Chief Constable.
The issue of ‘Heron Foods’™ having to ‘Park on the A605’ to make deliveries was again addressed and was of concern.
4/ Various reports which will come in Part II – later.
5/ At the public forum, (limit 15 minutes in total) – Mr Stephen Hodson informed the council of impending new planning regulations coming into force – and he wished that the Whittlesey Business Forum would be included in the list of ‘Stakeholders’ for the impending ‘Masterplan’ (Whittlesey).
Mr Peter Baxter – delivered his concerns of upgrading of the Water Tower recreation play equipment – in that little or no debate on 10,000+ vehicles passing by – polluting gasses and particulates has been given little no weight. Children especially he noted were more at risk.
RG – I reconfirmed the arguments made earlier about Parking/Traffic concerns in Whittlesey, the possible options including ‘Civil Enforcement’ – I and many realise the situation is and will only get worse. I quoted that Hampton had employed their own Civil Enforcement Officer to cover a variety or roles – not just parking.
What is the point of Double Yellow Lines – if it can not be enforced.
I asked for an update on the Saxon Pit concerns to be covered in Ward Matters – later.
I pointed out that recently the WTC website is not updated in a timely way – appreciating that the Clerk works limited hours and that their website is administered by a 3rd party.
There are simple solutions and the public rely on ‘official websites’ for accurate information.
Mr Robin Sutton gave a good presentation about WTC adopting ‘Green Dog Walkers

CCC  David Connor’ gave an update on the Kings Dyke Crossing – Some progress is moving forward – The test bore-holes samples proved all clear and no concerns flagged
All being well – he informed that subject to the detailed plans and costs –  construction (should) start in October 2018

6/ Debate and discussion took place on WTC finances and the way they are being reported.
The official auditor praised the council on its submission.

7/ Other business:
Must Farm ; Members were not happy with the consultants reports, and have asked them to go back and make the Must Farm project its priority.
Green Dog Walkers ; Cllr D Laws informed the council of the initiative to encourage a Green Dog Walkers campaign (also promoted by Robin Sutton earlier) – no cost to the council.
Neighbourhood Plan ; Cllr D Laws informed that an appetite for more housing and development may be considered – however this would need to go out to public consultation
she stated that if the wishes of the electorate/residents were for no further ‘increase’ above that which is already planned – then the council must abide by those wishes – this will cause some delay in the overall delivery of the NP.
Property Working Group ; The ‘new’ council offices (Old Police Station) council are looking for a name of the building and will be asking local schools/children for their input.
Community Rail Partnership ; Cllr Alan Bristow updated council on the recent public consultations held in Whittlesey and that he thought the majority of those he had spoken too – preferred ‘Option 2’ (This was well covered in an earlier posting on this site)
Syrian Refugees ; Cllr David Mason informed that they had received donations of furniture, bedding and curtains etc.
Kings Dyke Layby ; Cllr Ralph Butcher informed that various partners/stakeholders had been contacted in respect of the HGV’s using the Layby and the ongoing (years) of drivers toileting the site, leaving bottles of urine and human excrement around the area.
The police, our MP, Cambs Highways, Fenland District Council are just a few who have been contacted and meetings are to take place to seek a way of addressing the issues/concerns.
Ward Matters ; Cllr Chris Bodden, did answer my request about the issues (on-going) of None conforming (none hazardous) waste being found at the Saxon Brickworks.
The Environment Agency are still awaiting some test results – he had been contacted recently about the ‘smell’ returning and though that this ‘could’ be when the operator was removing the ‘suspected materials’.
He thought that the EA would be taking some form of action against the operator – but noting nothing specific has been received to date.

Next meeting 13th June 2018

e&oe Roy Gerstner.

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