Showfields – Planning Application

I and one other member of the public attended last nights WTC Planning meeting.
The agenda was published here last week, the main item being F/YR17/1231/VOC (Variation of conditions) – a great number of residents in the Teal Road/Otago Close and adjoining roads have made much comment on social media about their concerns.
That said – No one from these estates/roads could be bothered to come to this important item to listen to how ‘Councillors’ discussed this – but can find time to make continuous comments on ‘social media’

So back to the ‘issues’ – there is a vast amount of material on FDC’s Website under this planning application – if you’ve many hours then I suggest you read for yourselves.
FDC – Showfields Planning App

At Wednesdays Meeting the following response to FDC from Whittlesey Town Council Planning Committee:

F/YR17/1231/VOC Removal of variation of conditions of planning permission F/YR15/0134/0 (hybrid application);
Outline application for the erection of 220 dwellings (max)with access, public open space and associated works/infrastructure. Full application for the engineering works associated with the formation of the vehicular access road off B1040 East Delph) at land North of Whittlesey, East of East Delph, Whittlesey.
The Town Council recommend refusal on the grounds of flood mitigation, the access onto Teal Road and reduction in the S106 contribution and the reduction in affordable housing.
The developer should provide a hard standing within the site for all contractor’s vehicles and anyone else working on the site.
All contractor access arrangements should be via the B1040.

The above does not tell the whole debate or issues – this application for variations go much deeper than that.
Example the change in S106 contributions that the developer had originally ‘promised’
has all but vanished, this has happened many times in the past.
A developer ‘promises’ all sorts of S106 money for the ‘benefit’ of the community – only to later renege on that ‘promise’

Also enlightening to read on the documents are the vast number of objections associated with this application.

Finally instead of one development it would appear that there could be 3 if not 4 separate developers constructing the site, this also will potentially cause all sorts of issues – over a considerable time period.

As in most cases – peoples memories are somewhat short and forget the history of events: Below was what the original developer ‘promised’ Whittlesey for this site

Showfields Promo

Showfields Promo



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