Report on WTC Meeting Wednesday 10th January 2018 – Part 2

Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website.

Another ‘regular’ issues brought up at the WTC meeting was that of The Pigeon Pest’ that blights parts of Market Street, especially around the Town Hall/Museum area and opposite above Whittlesey Travel.

Various options are always put forward – but as usual very little action takes place – because no one can decide the best way forward – Are they to be ‘Exterminated’, –
Re Located – or maybe A Bird of Prey maybe the answer – Some people of course are friends of Pigeons and they would object…just look at these photos’ before it was cleaned up, which has to be done regularly.
Taken by Whittlesey Town Hall/Museum (Monday & Tuesday this week) RB.

There was NO Police report although Councillor were very complimentary and positive about our PCSO’s

CCTV Report – Click on picture to enlarge.

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