Crime Commissioner – Your Views

Your opportunity to have Your say on proposals below…

Police and Crime Commissioner, Jason Ablewhite is asking home owners how much they are willing to support policing as part of their council tax for 2018/19.

In order to gather views, the Commissioner is running a short survey. Complete the survey at

Police and Crime Commissioner, Jason Ablewhite says:

“One of my duties as Police and Crime Commissioner is to ensure that Cambridgeshire Constabulary has the resources it needs to keep people safe. The Constabulary is already a very efficient force with savings of £17.2 million made over the last five years to meet budget reductions. This has been achieved in a number of ways including reducing back office staff and collaborating with other forces, other emergency services and partner organisations.

“A recent review of local policing has also found savings to fund an extra 50 front line officers however we still need to do more to respond to an increase in demand, increase our ability to investigate crimes and deter people from criminality.

“As we look forward and plan our budget for 2018/19, it is important for me to understand your views on how much you are willing to pay towards policing the county. Changes in crime types and an overall increase in calls for service means that more officers are needed to keep people safe.

“If each household (in a Band D property) paid just one extra pound each month, it would make a big difference, equating to an additional 55 Police Officers.

“I would like to thank you in advance and look forward to hearing your views.”

A link to the survey can be found here: Your views will then inform the Commissioner’s final decision on how much to raise the policing part of the council tax.

The survey ends Monday 29th January 2018.

Please note – copies of the survey are also available with an Easy Read description
Precept Survey – Easy Read

Views can also be given by telephone: 0300 333 3456 or by email:
[email protected].

If emailing or telephoning, please state whether you agree with:

  • Option 1: you agree to an increase by £1 per month (an increase of 55 Police Officers)
  • Option 2: you agree to an increase by 33p per month (maintain planned numbers with no additional increase)
  • Option 3: no increase (reduce officer numbers of find equivalent savings)

Thank you


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