Church Street – Ramsey Road – Traffic Issues…

The above was/is a typical example of the ‘issues’ I can assure you it is a pretty frightening experience – happens many times daily – even when anticipating or stationary.
These pictures taken before the ‘Traffic Calming’ was in place – see below….

Nothing ‘ new’ here I am afraid, having lived off Ramsey Road for 40+ years I and most residents are ‘very’ aware of the problems with Traffic, Parking and Highways issues.
I did approach a WTC/FDC councillor on a few occasions who informed me – ‘There is NO problem’.

Earlier this week, at about 5am a car had to swerve in order to miss an oncoming lorry – a very regular occurrence I might add….
The yellow bollard was smashed and considerable damage to the sign – not sure about the car or the driver.
On Wednesday I saw a truck with a basket reversing to the sign and the next day it had gone….sawn off at about 1+ metre.

I understand that the cost of the damage is in the order of £5,000.

There has been and there is still is a considerable amount of concern about the issues of :
Traffic, Parking and Highways along the whole stretch of Church Street/Ramsey Road.

There is to be a ‘public’ meeting of residents of Church Street/Ramsey Road (and adjoining estates) at 6pm of Friday 15th December – A venue to be announced.
Residents will have to register in order to attend.
I ‘strongly’ advise you to attend this meeting and have your say on these issues and concerns.

This meeting is being organised by WTC Cllrs J Windle and Cllr D Mason.

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