I ‘hear’ the ‘usual’ Whittlesey Social Media rumour mongering is rife… Well maybe!!!! some might be true!!!!! but I have seen or heard nothing official..
Nat West is becoming a ‘Subway’ – really I look forward to it…
Norwich & Peterborough is becoming a ‘Starbucks’ – Sorry totally over-priced – support what we already have run by ‘local’ people’
Speaking of which, I did go into the N&P yesterday – their last day open, and thanked ALL the staff for the help and assistance they have given over many years, for the support both physically and fund raising for many good causes here in Whittlesey – I wonder if anyone else could be bothered just to say ‘Thank You’
‘Ostlers’ now closed has become an Indoor Mini-Market – my information as of today
is that ‘local’ developer Norman B – maybe behind what appears to be a temporary arrangement.
Directly opposite I see that there is to be a
‘Fragrant Candle Shop’ opening shortly.
How long it remains, we shall wait and see…
At least it is another shop taken up, rather than
a street of empty shops
Another Fantastic ‘Rotary Quiz’ celebrating 21 years of supporting Local education – Our ‘usual’ StreetPride’ team came in as norm in the lower half – but what – it’s about taking part isn’t it! but we did quite well….
Local ‘retired’ estate agent – Stephen Hodson, was the instigator of raising money for this very good cause.
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Finally … Rob B said goodbye to his Pride & Joy over many years – A ‘Green-Keepers’ Pattisson Flatbed…..
Have a good weekend…