WTC Planning Meeting – Last Night 06th Sept

Only 5 Councillors in attendance including the Chair, 3 members of the public including myself.
25 applications….as some time since the last meeting.
The application F/YR17/0711/F was the most interesting…
Erection of a 3 story Extra Care Housing Scheme comprising of 13 x 2 bed and 47 x 1 with communal facilities (lounge, bistro, laundry, beauty room, scooter and cycle stores etc), offices and external works at Land North of Sorel Avenue.
This a the ‘Larkfleet’ development on Eastrea Road.
On reading through the application there are a number of objections from existing residents, mainly on noise, dirt, dust, and lack of progress on the developments infrastructure.
Whittlesey Town Council (As consultee’s only) proposed to recommend the development.
Once the developer decides to put in the application to FDC, it could be some time before this comes to be built, maybe Larkfleet will sell t on to a different developer/builder.


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