NQS – PPG Meeting

10 members of the public including myself attended this months meeting. The group acts as an interface between the Surgery and the patients.
I have been in the group since its inception.
The Patients Participation Group (PPG) has supported the practice in many ways, from raising funds for the ‘Blood Pressure Machine’ to the next project of paying and installing a ‘Water Cooler’.

Several items were covered, and a comprehensive update from the Practice Manager on what’s happening at the Surgery.
Maybe not many people realise the pressures placed on ALL surgeries through the whole country, with population increases and a shortage of doctors ….
One of the topics ‘always’ covered is that of ‘appointments’ – this is a ever challenging issue for this and The Jenner Health Centre.
There can only be a finite amount of appointments in a day, given the availability of Doctors, Nurses and support staff – I am NOT making any excuses on their behalf – I am reporting the facts I hear them.
There is and will be on going disappointment for anyone who can not get an appointment today or tomorrow, it is NOT always practical for the elderly to queue up at 07:50 on the good chance of getting an appointment today for example.
Several ‘newish’ ways of ‘squeezing’ more appointments is by telephone consultation, the Doctors and Nurses can ‘treat’ twice as many patients this way, rather than a face-to-face appointment.
I have publicised the ‘Doctors Hubs’ where-by there are appointments available at other aligned practices within the ‘Hub’, there will be an extra 20,000 appointments available this year within this system.

Of course ‘YOU‘ could learn a lot more about how the NHS and Surgery works here in Whittlesey, by joining the PPG – It costs ‘NOTHING’  – a couple of hours every few months, for direct information.
Details can be found on The NQS Website http://www.queenstreetsurgery.co.uk/

Please note: The Patients Participation Group is NOT an avenue to make complaints.
General ‘issues’ are brought up regularly.

There is a set procedure in place for individual patients who have issues or complaints to follow, and these are dealt with as per set governance of the practice.
These are dealt with in a timely and fair manner.

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