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A good week in many respects…
Yes I almost couldn’t believe my eyes, when – All (3) Public Toilets are open for business.
For how long – well lets hope forever, but going on the history I wouldn’t hold your breath for too long.

The ‘Travellers’ who were encamped at Whittlesey Railway station last week, have moved on, I see there was a ‘notice’ placed on the fencing nearby which covered the whole car park area – yes they have left a ‘small’ amount of rubbish which hopefully cleaned up.

The #Bridge# – Over the Kings Dyke Crossing takes another giant leap forward, with the announcement that the contract for the preferred bidder has been agreed and is due to be signed in the near future.

Good work by our local Police team in respect of bringing to court the suspect who maybe responsible for damage to a great number of vehicles some 11 days ago.
Irrespective of the Police advice for Social ‘Trolls’ to curtail their opinions in naming and posting photographs – they continued to do so.
It has been explained that this is against the law – it is only a matter of time – that one or more of these ‘Trolls’ will be prosecuted – I also understand that there has been several individuals who have received ‘private’ warnings where libel has been threatened.

Further to my article last week on new businesses opening, my apologies to Sarah W @ ‘MealHeart’ who has been open now for some 3 months.
Sarah’s father is Tony Watts a well know, now retired local window cleaner.

MealHeart is open 6 days a week (Closed on Mondays)

I have not yet tried myself but several I have spoken too have been very positive.

Finally I was sent this early this week and as long as it does not contain any libellous insinuation to anyone I am happy to pass it on.

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