Wisbech v Whittlesey – No contest believe me….

I, like most people enjoy living in our town, we are passionate about keeping it clean, tidy, graffiti free, and helping to keep crime where we can – at a low level. There has been and always will be crime and anti-social behaviour.
But compared to Wisbech we live, work and play in a totally different sphere.
The latest survey to take place is to deal with drinking and anti-social issues predominantly in Wisbech, but can be used in other parts of Fenland.
Fenland District Council is proposing to replace the use of Designated Public Places Order (DPPO) with a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).
This relates to the consumption of alcohol within public places. We are consulting with the public to gather views on these proposals.

Our proposal
We propose to remove the DPPO’s that are currently in place covering March, Whittlesey and Wisbech. These would be replaced with location specific PSPO’s to restrict the use of alcohol consumption within specified locations only. Find out more about the proposals.

To clarify, current DPPO’s are not banning orders. Currently, this means that drinking alcohol within DPPO areas is only an offence when people refuse to follow police officer instructions not to do so.

The proposal is to introduce PSPO’s in specified locations that suffer from high levels of alcohol related anti-social behaviour and littering. This will make the locations no drinking areas, thus aiming to help reduce the localised issues on alcohol misuse.

Based on evidence from street drinking and alcohol related littering reports, three areas have been identified as the most problematic areas to focus on for a PSPO:

  • St Peters Gardens and Sensory Gardens – Wisbech
  • Memorial Gardens (The Cresent) – Wisbech
  • Tillery Field Park – Wisbech

To see the survey and to fill in (about 2 minutes or less)


Fenland District Council have asked for the community to have their say on proposed Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) to tackle antisocial street drinking.

The link to the consultation page is


The initial PSPO will only address Wisbech, I believe a full appraisal of ALL towns in Fenland should be included.
By the amount of cans and bottles I find in the Manor Field, surely this could be considered

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