Last nights meeting of the New Queens Street Surgery – Patient Participation Group was very well attended by some 15 members. Various updates were given and we found out that ‘The Tesco planning application’ (outline) which is directly behind the surgery has been passed! – There are some reserved matters yet to be decided and a full application to be submitted.
I raised the issue of getting appointments, over the last 3 weeks, there have been no online appointments available – (All gone) and that’s looking 2 or 3 times a day, telephoning is again somewhat stressful and the only guaranteed way is to queue up at around 7:45 in the morning which I and many other do regularly. It a sign of our ever increasing population.
There will be a PPG awareness week 19th – 24th June.
There is a ‘new’ Health App – which can be downloaded and tells you of the nearest medical/dental/chemist services etc. It is available in several languages.
“MyHealth C&P CCG” on
Apple App Store
Google Play
Click on picture above for move information.
Next NQS PPG is on 15th May 2017 @ 7pm – New Queen Street Surgury,