Sorry for the delay in my weekly update – been partially ‘Off the grid’ – travelling to visit family in Malaysia.
Since my last posting about ‘A deposit scheme for cans, bottles & plastic’ I am pleased to inform that MP Steve Barclay has sent me a letter – unfortunately I can not read it here in
‘Malaysia’ but when I am able – will of course place his reply here.
Some slight good news on this front – being that The Coca Cola Co® are having a re-think in possibly supporting the plan – however other Big Businesses are lobbying hard not to introduce a scheme in England and Wales. Why is it that dozens of other countries including some poor third world places – have brought in laws to stop millions of tonnes of this waste being dumped into landfills, seas or just fly-tipped.
Big Business and money are holding this scheme back – I will continued to fight and highlight this issue.
Read much more about the issues and arguments –
Litter Heroes
Click Here
If you support and think England should join dozens of other countries with a Deposit Scheme why not write to MP Steve Barclay with you views.
This week also saw the monthly Whittlesey Business Forum meeting, which I support 100%, the group is now getting more involved in what and how not only businesses are being affected, but our town folk that rely on the success of these businesses.
Of course nothing new in that Banks and Building Societies closing down – it has been around for a considerable time – and the ‘cull’ is not over yet.
Lloyds will be closing in Whittlesey this May, there is a somewhat waiting time now at the Nationwide and I am told appointments are needed. The N&P owners – Yorkshire Bank are offering 25 months ‘free’ banking to businesses who move accounts to them.
Still no news coming from Abellio on any enhancements or improvements to Whittlesey Railway Station – my friend AO is ‘still’ the only ‘friend’ of Whittlesey Railway Station – no one else has joined in as yet….I am contacting Cllr Simon King to see if he has
any update – Don’t hold your breath.
Finally – I understand there may be an emergency meeting to consider the future of the Whittlesey Christmas Extravaganza – more delays to follow once confirmed.
Happy Holidays continue – next to Sarawak Northern Borneo – to visit and support the
Oranutan Sanctuary in the Semenggoh National Park – last time in November 2004.
A surreal experience.