Trending Part 2 – 17th December 2016

rg-0001Letter from Ferringhi Beach – Penang Island Malaysia.
Not much news then regarding the Kings Dyke Bridge – although a small amount to celebrate that there will not be a CPO for the land.

See Part 1 in respect of a planning application for Market Street.

Fantastic if that’s what we can call it that ‘Street Lighting’ is to be re-instated back to ‘normal (Cambs CC)

: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website.

I am very grateful – as I am sure our readers are to our correspondent….

Police Matters.
Among the matters brought to the attention of the police officers attending were: thefts from vehicles in and near to Stonald Road and anti-social behaviour at Station Road recreation ground.

Kings Dyke Bridge.
It appears that a Compulsory Purchase Order will not be necessary to gain access to the land. Councillor Butcher estimated that the bridge will be completed by “late 2017”.

Street Lighting and Gritting.
County Council has informed  WTC that schedules for gritting and lighting will be restored to last year’s levels.  There is no date set for either.

There were no major planning applications though one private application in Park Lane was discussed at very great length.

Neighbourhood Plan.
A revised questionnaire will be delivered to all addresses in Whittlesey and villages in February. The questionnaire will also be available on line. There will also be public exhibitions later next year.

Route 63 Cycleway.
Installation of the new gate will be completed this Saturday 17th December.  It is an “elephant gate”. It will have a central gap for pedestrians and horses.  Council also voted to pay for the installation of speed cushions on the lane to the Field of Dreams.

Tour of Cambridgeshire Cycle Race.
This will not come through Whittlesey town centre but it will use Benwick Road. The race is attracting some elite riders and will be the largest yet.  It is anticipated that it will be a very exciting and attractive event.

Civic Day.
This national event will commemorate the introduction of urban conservation areas 50 years ago. Groups and individuals will be invited to take part.  Dates to be arranged.

Ward Matters,
The Flood gates on the Thorney Road have still not been repaired since they were damaged nine months ago.  Tank-trap style concrete blocks will be used instead, if necessary.

Double Parking on Crescent Road.  (This was not, however,  mentioned at “Police Matters”) Potholes on Bellmans Grove need urgent attention.
This has been reported to FDC.

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